LINGO TRIBE — The Community For Linguists, By Linguists!

Imagine being the No. 1 choice for agencies and clients. Finally land the ‘juicy jobs’. Think: Pipeline. Passion. Piña Coladas. Because all good things need alliterations, right? ;)

Taking up space, showing your face on LinkedIn™, finding your tribe without bending into pretzel shapes… it’s tough! We want you to feel confident about leveraging your online presence without losing hours in your day.

Schedule 15 minutes with us to explore more.

What’s The Goal?

Lingo Tribe was launched because we identified a real need in the world of language professionals. The race to zero, economic struggles and lack of unified voices prompted us to say: ‘Do you know what? We’ll just do it ourselves!’. Since its launch in April 2024, we’ve grown to a vibrant community including fantastic linguists from all over the world. 

We want linguists to feel good about their paths. We want them to feel optimistic, confident and clear about things like pricing, negotiating, marketing, and finding their dream clients online.

As a Tribe, we’ll rally around you and make you feel loved, supported and heard.

Our Values

Lingo Tribe is rooted in positivity, value, creativity, self-efficacy, community, transparency, integrity, communication, innovation, kindness, fairness, respect, inclusion, and growth. 

Uuummm… Is This My Jam?

Lingo Tribe is made for you, if you are…

A linguist (translator, subtitler, interpreter, voice over artist, language trainer)

Struggling to find your USP, niche and the right clients

Wondering how to do inbound marketing more effectively

Feeling a bit like a hermit

Looking to move away from ‘word-of-mouth’ 

Finding that it takes too long to write good posts

Battling with low engagement 

Finding it hard to focus, and simply want to work less (but earn more!)

A human-shaped being with a sense of humour.

If you feel like you’ve ticked most boxes, let’s schedule 15 minutes and explore more. We will show you Lingo Tribe behind the scenes and tell you a bit more about the general vibe (which is awesome) and mission.



The Brains Behind LINGO TRIBE


Katie Caiger

Mrs Buy-In

Favourite habitat: By the sea.

Speaks: German, English, Spanish and French.

Loves: Her family + friends, animals, escape rooms, roller coasters, singing at church, catching waves, building businesses, writing and going down the rabbit hole, creating a safe space for others, and weightlifting.

Professional highlights: Publishing her first marketing book, co-hosting the BABBLE ON podcast with Danny, speaking at the YATM Lunch Club in Poole.

Danny Caiger

Mr Process

Favourite habitat: By the food and vino.

Speaks: German, English, Spanish and un peu de French.

Loves: Cooking, hosting, fire pit moments under the stars, building businesses, boxing, 1990s movies. 

Professional highlights: Becoming the lead translator for the Top 5 Banks in DACH.


If you’re looking for a fun-packed place where you belong, learn and thrive, this is your friendly little nudge from the universe.

We can’t wait to meet you and introduce you to the Tribe. We’re a lovely bunch. But see for yourself.

Let’s schedule 15 minutes to find out more.